With over 550 reps in attendance, Repfabric President John Mitchell and two guest experts, Bryan Shirley (former president of MANA) and John Colby (former CIO of Zefer Strategy) presented industry insight on how we can best help our rep businesses recover from COVID-19 starting now. Our health, families and teams are of utmost importance. We can do the right things for our communities and country while also preparing for what’s next.

John Mitchell, CPMR
President of Repfabric

John Colby
former CIO Zefer Strategy
This webinar content will be posted soon. It is open to anyone in management in the manufacturers’ rep industry. Most of the points will be general business knowledge. Where we reference Repfabric for account tagging, your current system should also be able to create the same results for you.
Repfabric customers who have Power BI will receive a template with seven new reports. If you are not a Repfabric customer or do not have Power BI, you can generate similar reports by manually adding the data or importing a spreadsheet and re-creating similar reports to what we will share on this webinar. To learn more about Microsoft’s business intelligenece tool or get it free, visit Power BI.
A few of the topics we plan to cover are:
- Small Business Loan Options and any real-life experiences we collect from other rep owners beforehand
- Keeping your manufacturers on your line card!
- Important reports you should be watching
- Quantifying business impacts from COVID-19
- Estimated Revenue Change from COVID-19
- Survival Plan
Formerly a software architect and consultant with Accenture, John Mitchell created Repfabric after running a 10-person rep firm for 12 years. Because he has lived through multiple, global business challenges in a manufacturers’ representative shoes, this webinar is geared toward the whole industry and its related issues, not just how to use Repfabric in solving this quandry.
If you have any questions, please call support at
844-737-7253 ext. 2
Or email Support@Repfabric.com