John Mitchell, CPMR
President of Repfabric

John Vrablic,
President, T.I.P.S. 4 Reps
There are many key items needed to survive these tumultuous times and one of those is your key employees. John Vrablic from T.I.P.S. 4 Reps will be presenting on this topic and will discuss the following:
- Financial Impact and Fallout of Covid and what could be your risk for you and your key employees
- Summary of Government programs now and what’s coming up to assist in retaining key people (EIDL, Cares Act, FFCRA)
- Advanced Planning Strategies to Retain Key Employees during Covid and the near future
John Vrablic is President and Founder of T.I.P.S. 4 Reps, (Tax, Investment, Protection and Succession Planning) a boutique Business and Wealth Management firm that has been specializing with Manufacturer’s Reps for 20+ years. He is also the Instructor for Succession planning at CMPR and is often a guest speaker and presenter for various rep associations.